Bald Eagle Juvenile - Haliaeetus leucocephalus
The species name refers to the white head of the bald eagle. The head does not become totally white until the forth year.
There is perch on spruce that commands a view of Beaver Bay, Curly Creek, and Mallard Cove, as well as a section of the Elbow River proper. This juvenile chose a good spot to look for his next meal.

I spotted the eagle from a distance and my usual hike took me right past the tree. This two year old was totally nonplussed by my presence. Never even looked down as I walked by. Over the ten minutes I watched he moved his head a lot but never left the perch.
Dunne P, Sibley D, Sutton C. Hawks in Flight. Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston. 1988.
Fisher C, Acorn J. Birds of Alberta. Lone Pine Publishing. Edmonton. 1998.
Sibley David A. The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Alfred A Knopf, Inc. New York. 2001.
The species name refers to the white head of the bald eagle. The head does not become totally white until the forth year.
There is perch on spruce that commands a view of Beaver Bay, Curly Creek, and Mallard Cove, as well as a section of the Elbow River proper. This juvenile chose a good spot to look for his next meal.
I spotted the eagle from a distance and my usual hike took me right past the tree. This two year old was totally nonplussed by my presence. Never even looked down as I walked by. Over the ten minutes I watched he moved his head a lot but never left the perch.
Dunne P, Sibley D, Sutton C. Hawks in Flight. Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston. 1988.
Fisher C, Acorn J. Birds of Alberta. Lone Pine Publishing. Edmonton. 1998.
Sibley David A. The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Alfred A Knopf, Inc. New York. 2001.
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